Spring 2024 - The winners

Here is the list of all the winners of Spring 2024 of SIPONTUM Arthouse International Film Festival

  • Film of the SeasonDeliverage by Sofia Giampieretti, Gaia Mastropietro, Giovanna Mastantuoni, Priscilla Lenoci, Rossella De Giosa
  • Best Director (Medium-Length Film)Leigh Marling (Ana Paula)
  • Best Director (Short Film)Sofia Giampieretti, Gaia Mastropietro, Giovanna Mastantuoni, Priscilla Lenoci, Rosella De Giosa (Deliverage)
  • Best Cinematography (Feature Film)Giulio Pereno (Sleeping Close by Giulio Pereno)
  • Best Cinematography (Medium-Length Film)Matthew Santo (The Serena Variations by Warren Fisher)
  • Best Cinematography (Short Film)Mahmoud Atshani (A house on a bridge by Shayan Sahvardi)
  • Best Actor (Short Film)Iman Ebadian (A house on a bridge by Shayan Shahvardi)
  • Best Actress (Medium-Length Film)Itzel Castrellon (Ana Paula by Leigh Marling)
  • Best Actress (Short Film)Paria Mardanianu (A house on a bridge by Shayan Shahvardi)
  • Best Screenplay (Medium-Length Film)Leigh Marling (Ana Paula by Leigh Marling)
  • Best Screenplay (Short Film)Daniil Denisov (01 by Daniil Denisov)
  • Best Experimental FilmLight on water 9 by Andrew Payne
  • Best Animation FilmDeliverage by Sofia Giampieretti, Gaia Mastropietro, Giovanna Mastantuoni, Priscilla Lenoci, Rossella De Giosa
  • Best Student Project01 by Daniil Denisov
  • Best Sound DesignMehdi Jamshidian (A house on a bridge by Shayan Shahvardi)
  • Best Original MusicVladimir Magalashvili (01 by Daniil Denisov)
  • Best EditingDaniil Denisov (01 by Daniil Denisov)